Feedlots play an important role in the integrity system. Like livestock producers, feedlots are responsible for keeping integrity records in order and ensuring their practices align with integrity system requirements.
The Australian red meat integrity system combines livestock traceability with on-farm assurance to maintain the integrity and reputation of Australian red meat. This system underpins our livestock selling system and delivers customer confidence in the red meat products we produce.
Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is responsible for managing and delivering the core elements which make up Australia’s red meat integrity system.
LPA is the Australian livestock industry’s on-farm assurance program, covering food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity. LPA provides evidence of how you manage your farm and animals and transfers this evidence along the value chain as livestock are bought and sold – from producers to processors and, eventually, our customers.
LPA-accredited producers commit to carrying out specific on-farm practices across seven requirements and can manage their accreditation via their online account.
While LPA is a voluntary industry program, accreditation provides more opportunities for marketing livestock. To ensure information remains current, LPA accreditation must be reviewed every three years and is maintained by completing online learning, an assessment, managing livestock according to LPA requirements and paying the required fee.
Being accredited with LPA means that livestock producers agree to abide by the LPA Rules and Standards. This is a formal commitment to undertake specific on-farm practices that ensure Australian red meat will be safely and ethically produced. It is a guarantee that producers stand by what they sell.
In addition, LPA-accredited producers need to source livestock from other LPA-accredited producers and must participate in an audit if requested.
The eNVD web-based system and eNVD mobile app are fast, easy and more accurate than paper forms, delivering time and efficiency savings.
Just six to seven minutes is all it takes for Kerwee Feedlot Operations General Manager, George Lubbe, to complete a livestock consignment of 200 head or more grainfed cattle using the electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) system. Learn how templates can save you time:
eNVD a game changer for Kerwee Feedlot
The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is a quality management system that underpins the integrity of Australian grain fed beef as safe and responsibly-farmed.
NFAS is an independently audited program initiated by the Australian Lot Feeders' Association (ALFA) and managed by AUS-MEAT through the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC).
Access this page to find out more about the LPA program and find out how to help your clients meet their LPA requirements, create farm records and LPA NVDs.
NLIS is Australia’s system for the identification and traceability of cattle, sheep and goats. NLIS reflects Australia’s commitment to biosecurity and food safety and provides a competitive advantage in a global market.
When livestock are physically moved, a transfer must be completed on the NLIS database. This means the animal’s NLIS device number is transferred from one PIC to another PIC to reflect its physical location.
There are two types of transfer – movements of animals which are identified individually with RFID electronic eartags. This is for sheep and goats in Victoria and all cattle across Australia. The second is mob-based movements for sheep or goats which have a visual tag. Sheep and goats in all states, except Victoria, can complete both types of transfer depending on the type of tags they use on-farm.
All feedlots must record information on the database to comply with state regulations relating to biosecurity and traceability.
myMLA is the gateway to accessing a range of MLA products and services including LPA. It provides a single sign-on facility to your NLIS, LPA, Meat Standards Australia and Livestock Data Link accounts – which means you only need to remember one username and password. Find out how to sign up to myMLA.
You must have a myMLA account to complete your LPA accreditation or access NVDs/eNVDs in your LPA account.
LPA accreditation is validated in the NLIS database. Log into the database and run the ‘ERP PIC status’ report to identify a property identification code (PIC)’s current LPA status. While producers and third parties can only run this report for PICs that are linked to their account, agents, saleyards, feedlots, exporters and processors can run this report for any PIC.
If any PICs have cattle with a risk status residing on them, early warning (EW) PIC statuses will be disclosed to feedlots and processors, to help them prepare for and manage these cattle on arrival. If there are no high-risk PIC statuses assigned to the PIC, the results will indicate ‘clear no test’ – meaning there is no need for the carcase to be tested at slaughter.
There are various reasons for checking the ERP PIC status of properties:
Find out more in the Check ERP PIC status Tech Tip
The description on the NVD needs to be clear and free of abbreviations that may not be widely recognised. If the animals need to be visually inspected, or the transporter is pulled over at some point on the journey, the description must adequately describe the animals in the space designated on the NVD. The NVD is a food safety document and, in the majority of states, it is also accepted as a movement record or waybill, so descriptions need to be able to be understood by anyone who reads it, especially for law enforcement.
An export slaughter interval (ESI) is the period that must lapse between chemical application to livestock and their slaughter for export. Compliance with the ESI means that the slaughtered livestock will meet the residue limits which apply in all export markets. ESIs are revised throughout the year, which means the ESI printed on your LPA NVD may be out of date. For the latest version, visit www.apvma.gov.au/esi.
The withholding period (WHP) for meat is the minimum time after an animal is treated with a veterinary medicine or pesticide before it may be legally slaughtered for human consumption. Withholding periods are set to ensure that chemical residues, if any, in the carcase are below the maximum residue limit allowed for that chemical in food in Australia. In general, slaughter and feeder animals should not be treated with a veterinary drug if the withholding period exceeds the expected date of departure from a property.
Product labels can be viewed on the PubCRIS database.
If a producer makes a mistake when filling out an eNVD, agents should advise the producer to duplicate the consignment, update the details that they need to, and then delete the original. This can be done for 48 hours after the eNVD has been submitted. Alternately, if the producer has printed the eNVD or has used a hard copy NVD, any changes to the NVD should be made directly onto the document with a pen and initialled.
The eNVD system currently enables producers to select an Animal Health Declaration and complete it at the same time as the NVD. It is easy to select, update and attach the document to the NVD consignment on the eNVD system. However, depending on your state, you may not be required to complete this form.
NSW Police recognise the eNVD app as a valid form of livestock movement documentation and is urging the red meat supply chain to understand their responsibilities when it comes to stock checks and having valid documentation.
Read more information on using the app during a roadside stock check.
If cattle lose their NLIS tag, there are several possibilities when it comes to ensuring continued lifetime traceability. All cattle must be tagged with a white coloured breeder tag before leaving their property of birth, and:
Log in to the NLIS database using an agent or saleyard account and from the dropdown menu, select the report called ‘search the PIC register’. This is NLIS’s most frequently used report and allows users to search for details for a specific PIC, or search for the PIC associated with a business name, location, surname etc. It includes PICs for producers, abattoirs, saleyards and feedlots.
Find out more in the how-to guide: Search the PIC register.
To make it easier for producers, saleyard operators are encouraged to display the saleyard PIC in a visible location at the saleyards and in all communications to producers so that all producers are aware of the saleyard’s destination PIC.
The receiver of the livestock is responsible for completing the transfer on the NLIS database. For sellers, it is a good idea to check the transfer has gone through at least two days after the transaction.
Agents may have varying contracts and working relationships with their clients – some may only purchase, some may only sell and some may provide a full service. As an agent, ISC recommends being clear with your client to make sure both parties understand what has been agreed regarding the transfer.
Producers must identify on the NVD any animals that have a high-risk status that pose a risk to food safety (question nine on the NVD). They do not have to outline the EW status on the NVD if the consignment does not include any high-risk animals.
Contact ISC Customer Service for more help with integrity at info@integritysystems.com.au or on 1800 683 111 between 8am and 7pm (AEDT), Monday to Friday.
Be sure to sign up to ISC’s monthly newsletter, Integrity Matters, for practical help and information on LPA, NLIS, NVDs and more. You can also follow ISC’s Twitter account and Facebook page for additional news and updates on integrity, or visit ISC’s Tools and Resources page to access a large range of practical tools and how-to guides to provide further assistance with integrity programs.