Practical biosecurity actions for livestock producers | Online webinar

- ISC’s Stand by what you sell webinar series about to kick off
- Timely focus of biosecurity preparedness with industry partners
- Webinar to focus on practical on-farm information and tips
Livestock producers wanting practical information and tools to better manage on-farm biosecurity and support industry preparedness for an emergency animal disease outbreak are invited to join Integrity System Company’s first webinar of 2022-23.
The session will be held on Tuesday 9 August from 6pm to 7.30pm AEST, in partnership with ISC’s parent company Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and Animal Health Australia (AHA) with support from Red Meat Advisory Council and National Farmers Federation.
The webinar continues a collaborative cross-industry approach as the Australian livestock industry works together to keep Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) out of the country.
Registration is open for the session, which features a panel of industry experts, including:
- Jason Strong, Managing Director, Meat & Livestock Australia
- Dr Rob Barwell, Head of Program – Biosecurity, Animal Health Australia
- Dr Samantha Allan, General Manager of Emergency Preparedness, Animal Health and Biosecurity, Animal Health Australia
- Elizabeth Bradley, Manager – Quality, Policy, and Compliance, Integrity Systems Company
Livestock producers will find out more about:
- Practical biosecurity and traceability actions that you can implement on-farm.
- How you can contribute to an effective disease response.
- The first 72 hours following an emergency animal disease outbreak - what happens during a livestock standstill.
- Q&A with representatives from Meat & Livestock Australia, Animal Health Australia and Integrity Systems Company.
This is the first of a series of webinars ISC will host to provide practical tips and tools to help producers and other value chain stakeholders to meet the requirements of the red meat integrity system.
Future topics will include how to use the electronic National Vendor Declaration, biosecurity and traceability through the National Livestock Identification System database and Livestock Production Assurance audits. Registration will be live at later this month.
Webinar speakers
Jason Strong
Managing Director
Meat & Livestock Australia
Jason Strong has more than 30 years’ red meat and livestock experience, knowledge and connections from the farm through to the end consumer in both domestic and international markets. He is a well-recognised and respected senior executive with extensive skills in commercial and industry business management and administration, supply chain development, meat science and grading, genetics and marketing as well as on-farm experience. Jason Strong is Managing Director of Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd and is a director of Integrity Systems Company Limited, MLA Donor Company Limited, AUS-MEAT Limited and Red Meat Traceability Systems Pty Ltd.
Dr Rob Barwell
Head of Program, Biosecurity
Animal Health Australia
Rob is a veterinarian who worked in mixed and small animal practice in Australia, England and Hong Kong and as a government veterinarian in NSW before joining Animal Health Australia in 2012. Rob manages livestock biosecurity and animal health projects with a focus on endemic diseases. He is passionate about working with AHA’s members to make positive changes in animal health and welfare on farm which will benefit Australia’s livestock industries. Rob has completed a Master of Veterinary Public Health Management, a Diploma of Leadership and Management and is a Member of the Australian & New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists.
Dr Samantha Allan
General Manager of Emergency Preparedness, Animal Health and Biosecurity
Animal Health Australia
Samantha is a senior veterinarian and leader with extensive experience in managing complex biosecurity programs, and leading animal disease emergency preparedness and response activities. She has worked in government veterinary roles as well as rural clinical practice in New South Wales, and South Yorkshire, England. Samantha has expertise in strategic thinking, policy development, stakeholder engagement and problem solving; underpinned by her strong clinical and technical background in veterinary science. She strives to model great leadership and inspire teams to achieve beyond expectation.
Elizabeth Bradley
Manager – Quality, Policy, and Compliance
Integrity Systems Company
Elizabeth is the Manager – Quality, Policy, and Compliance with Integrity Systems Company, and oversees compliance for the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) Program, the NLIS animal identification approvals and is charged with implementing improvements to both. Having worked as an auditor with the federal government Elizabeth has firsthand knowledge of Australia’s biosecurity and export legislation, policy, operations and an in-depth knowledge of industry including animal welfare, traceability, and logistics through the supply chain. With an extensive experience as an auditor and passion for technology Elizabeth aims to help find and implement efficiencies to improve Australia’s red meat integrity system.