Get set for spring selling

Get set for spring selling

29 September 2024
-Min Read

As the spring selling season unfolds, a reminder for red meat producers to ensure their integrity requirements are ready to support the sale of their animals.

Access FREE and unlimited eNVDs

  • If you haven’t already done so, learn how to get started with electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVDs).
  • Find help with using the eNVD app and web-based platform on the ISC website.

Make sure your LPA eNVDs are clear, complete and correct

  • Always remember to sign your consignment and fill in the transporter section if you are moving your own livestock.
  • You can now save your signature to your eNVD account, making it easy to add your signature to both the transporter section (if you’re moving your own livestock) or the declaration page of the eNVD.

Ensure your LPA accreditation is up to date

  • Producers must be LPA-accredited to access the LPA NVDs or eNVDs required to transport livestock.
  • Most saleyards and abattoirs will only buy from LPA-accredited producers.
  • Check your LPA accreditation is up to date by logging in to your LPA account via myMLA.

Make sure your livestock are fit to load

LPA-accredited producers must ensure their livestock are fit to transport and they are familiar with the requirements of this mandatory LPA module.

The MLA Transport Hub is a great resource to help producers ensure their animals are well prepared to move to their next destination.


  • Check all consigned livestock are identified with a relevant NLIS device well before loading and ensure you have spare NLIS devices on hand (including post-breeder tags) in case livestock do not have a device fitted to them.
  • All livestock movements must be recorded in the NLIS database. The buyer or receiver of the livestock is responsible for recording this movement.
  • If livestock are bought, sold or moved through a saleyard, the saleyard must record this movement in the NLIS database.
  • The vendor/sender of the livestock should always check the transfer has been completed in the NLIS database to avoid a future transfer warning and the need to conduct a transfer correction.

Investigate streamlining your livestock sales

  • Stock agents can now split consignments, meaning only one eNVD is required even when selling to multiple purchasers.
  • If you’re selling livestock over the coming months, consider speaking to your agent and letting them know about this new functionality to help streamline your livestock sales.