New guide to help producers protect their farm data

New guide to help producers protect their farm data

02 March 2021
-Min Read
  • The Guide to protecting your farm data and information provides clear and helpful advice on how to keep your business' data safe from a cyber-attack.

Taking your business online can have many benefits, but it can also increase the risk of online scams and security breaches.

This week, Integrity Systems Company (ISC) and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) released the Guide to protecting your farm data and information to assist producers and small businesses within Australia's red meat industry to protect themselves from potentially damaging cyber-attacks* on their enterprise.

There’s no better time than now to get your cyber security in order to protect your business.

The handbook provides clear explanations and advice on a range of key cyber security measures vital to industry stakeholders.

ISC’s CEO Dr Jane Weatherley encourages producers and other stakeholders in the red meat value chain to read the handbook to learn how to prevent cyber-attacks.

“There are simple measures (in the guide) that if understood and implemented, can help people significantly avoid, or reduce the impact of, the most common cyber security incidents and protect their data,” Dr Weatherley said.

ISC’s Chief Data Officer Andrew Skinner said that as businesses become increasingly reliant on technology to continue operating during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential they take measures to keep their data safe.

“While the guide can’t guarantee protection from all types of cyber-attacks, it does show how easy it can be to protect your data,” Andrew said.

“The handbook’s development is part of ISC and MLA’s broader approach to ensuring data is protected and well-managed as we work with the industry to enable the secure sharing of data within supply chains.” 
Download A guide to protecting your farm data and information

Producers are encouraged to provide their feedback on the guide by emailing

*Please note: a cyber-attack refers to any attempt to gain unauthorized access to private data or files.