LPA extension for fire-affected producers

LPA extension for fire-affected producers

25 February 2020
-Min Read

In response to the catastrophic bushfires across many key production areas, Integrity Systems Company (ISC) has provided a 12-month extension to LPA program audits and accreditations to all PICs in bushfire affected regions.

Reminder letters and emails will be sent to affected producers as their new due date approaches.

For producers needing support with any of these actions, please get in touch with the ISC Helpdesk via 1800 683 111 or lpa@integritysystems.com.au

AUS-MEAT is responsible for conducting LPA audits and coordinating audit deferrals. For questions regarding LPA audits, please contact AUS-MEAT on 07 3361 9200 or LPA.AUDITS@ausmeat.com.au.

ISC provides the following information and advice for fire-affected properties:

  • All livestock movements, especially after a natural disaster, pose a biosecurity threat. Make sure all stock livestock movements between PICs are recorded in the NLIS database
  • If livestock have been moved to a PIC that is not LPA accredited, this can impact selling options for the livestock.  Please contact the ISC Helpdesk if you have concerns about this
  • Once livestock have returned home, completing a PIC reconciliation will ensure that all active tags registered to that PIC are correct by moving missing or deceased tags to 'inactive' status
  • During times of natural disaster, you may receive or need to source fodder from unfamiliar suppliers. There can be risks associated with unfamiliar fodder – such as chemical contamination, weed seed, restricted animal material, and poor quality or unsuitable feed for your class of livestock. Where possible, request a Commodity Vendor Declaration (CVD) for any purchased fodder and keep a record of all feed that has been bought in and the animals it was fed to.

More information and advice on managing fire-affected properties can be found in the Bushfire Response Bulletin.

MLA initiatives to assist red meat producers affected by recent bushfires with their recovery and rebuild:

  • Bushfire Recovery Sponsorship Program – providing financial and in-kind support for industry events that increase awareness and adoption of information and resources that will support producers recovering from bushfires.
  • Back to Business providing producers in fire-affected regions access to three free one-on-one-sessions with a local farm business consultant to help put their business back on track.